SWA #4

Devon Hopkins


Intro to Politics


Kamala Harris vs Elizabeth Warren

Both Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren seem to be worthy candidates for the Presidential election of 2020. They both seem to have the best interest of the American people at heart and are willing to fight to make sure that change is made that benefits us all. Kamala Harris focuses on issues surrounding legislation to provide sweeping tax cuts for the middle class, addressing the high cost of rent, raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, making higher education tuition-free for the vast majority of Americans, reforming the cash bail system, protecting the legal rights of refugees and immigrants, and expanding access to affordable, quality health care with Medicare for all. Her slogan is “Kamala Harris, for the people” and this represents who she is and her main focus because it shows her goals are in favor of “the people” of America in order to improve things for all. Elizabeth Warren focuses on similar issues and her main focuses include ending Washington corruption, rebuilding the middle class, strengthening our democracy, equal justice for all, and a foreign policy for all. Regarding her slogan, Warren seems to have a couple, but her most popular and important seems to be “Persist” which represents her and her intentions because it shows her willingness to fight with consistency until as many of her goals are achieved as possible.

Kamala Harris’ character based on her website can be described as genuine for the simple fact that she seems to practice what she preaches. On her website she is described as a “fearless advocate for the voiceless and the vulnerable” and she has shown this by doing things such as successfully suing predatory for-profit colleges who scammed students and veterans and fighting for marriage equality. These tactics show her willingness to fight for “the people” as well as anything she believes in. Her character can also be seen in her pictures and video on her page as she always has a seemingly large genuine smile on her face and is always willing to embrace her supporters when making contact. Based on her page she is trying to appeal to the middle class but also shows an interest to make things better for Americans as a whole. Elizabeth Warren’s character based on her website can be described as self-aware because she acknowledges that even though she has gone through her own struggles, she knows that there are people who have it worse, and that shows that she cares about all people outside of herself and has all American’s best interest at heart. Bases on her pictures and websites she is full of energy and truly invested in her goals. Like Harris, Elizabeth’s target group focuses mainly on the middle class but also supports Americans as a whole.

Most recently, Kamala Harris has been in the news for her proposal to increase teacher pay across the nation which is a $315 billion plan that would increase teacher pay by $13,500 on average. In an article on New York Magazine they quote Politico stating that it was “the most aggressive and expansive education proposal among the 2020 field.” This aligns with one of her promises to increase pay to a certain extent which is explained on her web page. One thing Elizabeth Warren has been in the news for is her plan to make changes to the Farming system in America. This doesn’t necessarily align with any specific thing referenced on her website, but it does show how she truly wants to make an impact on all Americans and is taking charge to do just that.

SWA #3

Devon Hopkins


Intro to US Natl Politics


State of the Union Address Assignment


Foreign Policy Domestic Policy
  • New MCA (Mexico, Canada, America) which will replace NAFTA
  • US Reciprocal Trade Act
  • Fairness and price transparency for Americans
  • $500 mill over next 10 years for cancer


  1.         From the begging of the President’s State of the Union Address the President did not stray away from the idea of working with the House Democratic majority. He rarely addressed individual parties and continued to make the point that in order for his plans to be successful all parties would have to work together. President Trump rarely mentioned specific ways he would compromise, but he used a lot of general statements that gave a good idea to the kind of work he wants to get done. Some of the issues Trump addresses include tax reduction, employment issues, and energy conservation (specifically oil and natural gas). He also doesn’t mention too many specific legislative proposals, but he mentions general topics he would focus on improving in the future. Some topics discussed by Trump on foreign policy include illegal immigration (a common sense proposal to end the crisis on the Southern border), trade relations, equal tariff prices with other countries, and an infrastructure investment. Topics brought up by Trump involving domestic policy include lower health care and prescription drugs (as well as protecting patients with pre-existing conditions), fairness and price transparency, school choice for American children, and prohibiting late-term abortion of children.
  2.        Trump rarely addresses or hints at the views he has on the executive branch. Most mentions of other members of congress as a whole stated that he was willing to work with everyone in regards to making improvements for the country. His language suggests that he will exert his Presidency to his full power in order to make sure his goals are achieved such as his willingness to build a wall at the southern border. His language did not give much insight on how he feels about checks and balances or his views of Congressional oversight of the executive branch. In regards to Congress as a co-equal branch his language suggests his is willing to work with all members equally as long as it is in terms of supporting his short and long term goals.

III.         Following the SOTUA came the democratic response delivered by Stacey Abrams. In this she brings up issues such as federal workers not receiving their paychecks in weeks, education prices increasing, gun safety, the republican tax bill, voters rights, and healthcare. The more obvious issues Abrams refers to include the government shutdown and Trump’s attempt to build a wall at the southern border. There is room for compromise on certain issues such as health control which both parties have mentioned needs to be improved as long as they can work together. Similarly to Trump, the one thing Abrams states is that both parties would have to work together and negotiate in order for any improvements to be made.

IIII.        The legislative agenda outlined during the SOTUA doesn’t necessarily represent the agenda outlined in my own state legislature and this is most probably because my state representative for district 1 in Illinois is a democrat. They don’t necessarily go along the same lines because one agenda is for the country as a whole while the other is more focused on a specific surrounding area. However there were a couple of similar issues to be dealt with on both agendas which both include improving health care as well as improving education. These are both nation-wide issues and as long as negotiations can be made and all parties can work together and compromise it will hopefully lead to better results in the future.


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